HOMM The Equinox quinox

The Equinox uses the HOMM like game engine (Rules in original exe & data -files will be changed),
and has different rules, which realized some new ideas.

2000-2003 by SKA, Jezby

HOMM = Heroes of Might and Magic

HOMM 1.1 Golden Edition for W95 (with Map Editor) (see Ultimate Strategy Archives).
All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
All authorships of new ideas belong to their authors.
(C) HOMM, Heroes of Might and Magic for Windows 95 1995,1996 New World Computing, Inc., 3DO Company

in The Equinox,
are realized some new ideas,
main is that no type of Castle will have strategic starting disadvantage, like in original has for example Knight versus Warlock !
Something from others: Genie is not now so danger in begining-phase of game, so You can play maps randomly generated from MapEditor, and it will be not just "game of Genies only".
Here You can download Heroes of Might and Magic The Equinox for Windows: HOMM (W95) The Equinox (301KB) (or here is Heroes of Might and Magic (Win) The Equinox (464KB) pack with some maps)
Here is Heroes of Might and Magic The Equinox for old DOS version in RAR (470KB). ( or here as selfextract is some older beta version : part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

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Links to other HOMM pages:
Quebec Dragon's Heroes of Might & Magic I Archive . Serpico's HOMM Page . Yujun's Strategy Guide for HOMM
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