Mirror on
My favourite Strategic (computer) games for multiplayer:
Civilization2 Multiplayer GoldEdition
(manytimes tested)
in the nearly future here will be available some of new,
sophisticated rules ! Now (2002/02) is in testing version with strong AI players (AI has big economic advantage).
Civilization Call To Power II
Its looking like improved version of Civ2, maybe future of CIV2 ?. The groups of units = army, the possibility to create the build queue, showing the move path for army similar like in Heroes,
many such improvements, and it seems that You can programming AI behaviour ...
Allows of course multiplayer per net or internet.
We not tested it so hard as Civ2MGE.
You can find many informations and improvements.
HOMM = Heroes of Mihgt and Magic Gold Edition(=with Map Editor)
(manytimes tested)
(for me this has best nice rules and graphic from HOMM serie, HOMM3 are acceptable,but not so nice)
(in the nearly future here will be available some new,
sophisticated maps !)
(See new version:HOMM The Equinox, in which some new ideas are realized, main is that no type of Castle will have strategic starting disadvantage,
like in original ! (Rules in original exe-file was changed) (both versions - for HOMM DOS and HOMM 1.1 W95 - are available) )
If You like HOMM watch this pages ! Last version of Maps made by SKA: CreatureLand, DesertMineRush, Dream of Phorb and one mini-cross InZip(47KB) HOMM Help2 (List of Spells and Other)
Nice game, detailed simulation of war and building,
but not suitable for quick multiplayer hotseat games,
but perfect strategic match for two connected computers and 2-10 hours of time !
Or for units death match !
Age Of Empires 2 The Conquerors
(in testing)
(uz tam MS-ti opravili to ze nemusi jeden pul hry cvakat na vesnicany)
Idealni pro quick-games (15-30 minutes), karetni, hezky kombinacni, rychla.
Marsal a Spion aneb Stratego
Svizna hra (zhruba tak pul ci hodina na partii), zabavna, strategie vhodna pro kazdeho. Nepratelske jednotky nevidite dokud je neodhalite,
cilem je zabrat souperuv prapor. Ed's Stratego Site
Velmi zajimava strategie na feudalni tema s pomerne jednoduchymi pravidly. Ostrou verzi, ktera umoznuje hru az sesti lidskych hracu na jednom pocitaci jsem koupil nahodou ve zlevnenych cedeckach.
Shareware verzi si muzete stahnout zde : Sean O'Connor's Slay
Other Ideas:
Civ2EP PD projekt pod Windows s volně přístupnými zdrojovými kódy v Delphi, do něhož si můžete doprogramovat vlastní umělou inteligenci, nebo třeba "battle-room"(definováno jako rozhraní z něhož lze ovládat co řídíte sami a co za vás má udělat automaticky počítač na základě určitých parametrů, aneb umělá inteligence a automatizace jen na co uznáte za vhodné) ...
Velmi zajímavé , uvidíme jak se to bude vyvíjet ... (Obsahuje linky na další podobné projekty jako je např. FreeCiv pod Linux)